A change request can only be submitted against an actual result for a KPI target which has already been approved.
Flowchart for KPI Change Requests:
Step by Step for KPI Change Requests:
1) Objective Owner / Deputy clicks on the arrow icon next to an approved result value, to submit a change request
Note: If you do not have permission to update the result values, you can not submit a change request.
A new Actual Value and a Note must added.
Click OK to close the Change Request form.
Click Save.
The pending change request will show the arrow icon as amber:
The pending change request icon will also be visible on the Company > Objectives > Update KPI > KPI List tab and Portfolio > Portfolio Summary > (Double Click on a Company) Investment Status > KPIs tab.
The Company > Objectives > Objective Details view, the Timeline section will keep a record of the change request.
2) Approver / Deputy will receive a summary email (on Monday) to let them know they have Change Requests to review
The Approver will be the Investment Director/Deputy listed on the Investment Status > Overview tab
It is possible to have a different person as the Approver.
This can be checked or updated on the Investment Status > KPIs tab.
Click on the Approval Settings button.
If the pop up window shows the approver column as blank, this is using default setting of Investment Director/ Deputy, otherwise a different person will be specified.
3)Approver reviews Change Requests
The approver logs in to Untap.
On the home page (My Space > Overview)
Click on the KPIs pending approval card
4a) Approver approves Change Requests.
The Approver scrolls down to the Change Requests section
Review the New Values and click the yellow notes icon to view comments.
Using the checkboxes on the left hand side to select one or more Objectives from the list, the Approve button will then become available.
The yellow Change Request icon shown in Untap disappears.
The updated values show in Untap with the green tick to show as Approved.
In the Company > Objectives > Objective Details view, the Timeline section will keep a record of the approval changes.
4b) Approver rejects KPI results.
Use the checkboxes on the left hand side to select one or more Objectives from the list for the Reject button to become available.
A pop up box will ask for a comment to be added:
The yellow Change Request icon shown in Untap disappears.
The updated values show in Untap with the green tick to show as Approved.
In the Company > Objectives > Objective Details view, the Timeline section will keep a record of the rejection comment.
4c) Objective Owner receives an email to let them know the change request to update values for an objective has been rejected.
The Objective Owner can either:
1) Take no action - the previously approved results remain in Untap
2) Go to Untap and start a new Change Request
5) Whenever a new KPI result value is approved for an Objective used in the Valuation Formula, Untap will recalculate using the new values.
To check the Valuation Formula:
Go to Portfolio > Portfolio Summary
Double click on a Company Name
Click on the Investment tab.
The Valuation Formula calculates the Current EV (Enterprise Value) seen on the Portfolio Summary page.
The Current EV is also seen in the Investment Thesis section of the Investment Status > Overview tab.
The Current EV is used to calculate the Result Status % (shown in the circle icon on both the Portfolio Summary and Investment Status > Overview tab)
and the Current Equity Value (shown on the Investment Status > Investment tab)
After approval or rejection, any further changes require a new Change Request.