Untap allows you to set up a process to allow a user (Investment Director) to approve the actual results of KPIs for a company which are relevant to the Portfolio.
(Note: If the approval process is not configured, no approvals are required)
Setup flowchart for KPI Approvals:
Step by Step for setting up KPI Approvals:
1) Set who is the default person / deputy to be responsible for Approvals
Go to Portfolio > Portfolio Summary
Double click on the Asset (Company)
This will take you to the Investment Status > Overview tab.
Click on the Investment Director card:
In the pop up window, use the drop down to select a person to be the Investment Director (the default person responsible for approving KPIs).
You can also select a second user as a Deputy who will also be able to approve results:
2) Make sure the Company / Asset KPIs have been shared with the Portfolio
Click on the KPIs tab
Make sure you can see all Objectives in this list which need approval:
If any Objectives are missing, go to Company > Objectives List
Click on the orange Update KPI button.
(If this button is not visible, it can be enabled from Company > Admin > Preferences - Enable Update KPI)
From the KPI List tab, click + Add to add any Objectives which need to be available to the portfolio.
This will open a window to Search for Objectives.
Use the Checkboxes on the left to add any missing Objectives the Portfolio team need and click Add.
3) Set which KPI results need to be approved
From Portfolio > Portfolio Summary
Double click on the Asset (Company)
Click on the KPIs tab
Click on the Approval Settings button.
In the pop up window, use the checkboxes on the left to select which KPIs from the list you want to have the results approved.
Click Save once the Objectives have been selected.
The KPIs tab will now show a green tick to the right of the Objective name to indicate if Approvals are being used:
In the Company > Objectives > Objective Details view, the Timeline section will keep a record of the approval changes:
3a) Optional - Set a different approver if applicable for certain KPIs
In the Approval Settings window you can use the drop down on the right hand side in the Approver column to select a different person to be the approver.
Note: If the Objective is ticked on the left and the Approver column on the right is blank, it means any approval requests will go to the Investment Director / Deputy.
4) Existing KPI result Values
Any KPI result values shown in Untap before the Approval Settings are turned on are automatically marked as approved.
This applies to both current and previous financial years.
Only results entered after approvals have been turned on will go through the approval process.
To see what happens next take a look at the KPI Approvals - Process
If you need to modify an approved value, take a look at KPI Approvals - Change Request