Note: For some of the new features to work correctly, you will need to clear your browser cache.
For Chrome users:
1. Results Updated - Objective Result Status
- The Result Status is now calculated up to the point the last Actual Results have been entered.
If you are in September but the actual results last entered for July, the Result Status will only be calculated up to July.
- Objective Details - The last period Actual KPI Results have been entered for will be shown via the calendar icon next to the Result Status:
- VCP - Additional Column for "Result Updated" available to include:
- Tabular View Widget - Additional Column for "Result Updated" available to include:
2. Objective - KPI Tracker
- Update Result - For cumulative trackers, rows to show "Total" and "Remaining" have been added:
- KPI Tracker Configuration - The Period box will now show a drop down based on the selected Frequency,
to allow each set of targets to be configured for a single financial year.
i.e. if you have selected Monthly, you can only select a max of 12 months.
If an Objective belongs to more than one Financial Year, the KPI can be configured separately for each year needed.
3. Other Improvements
- Bug fixes
- Content Changes
- Performance Plans - Additional information included in the export.
- Portfolio > Admin > Users - Shows all users, not just Portfolio Users.
- Flash Updates - View can now be exported and the weekly dates show starting from Sunday.
- Company > Meetings - Warning will show for Users trying to access meetings when they are not a participant.