Note: For some of the new features to work correctly, you will need to clear your browser cache.
For Chrome users:
KPI Approvals
You now have the ability to set an Investment Director to approve the actual result values entered for Company Objective KPI Targets.
This improves governance, which is especially important for values used in the valuation formula to calculate the value of a company.
Read More:
KPI Approvals - Initial Setup
KPI Approvals - Process
KPI Approvals - Change Request
Company Condition
A field to update the condition of the Asset has been added to the Investment tab.
The Fund Settings tab (explained below) allows you to add fields so additional information can be captured to include in reports.
Fund Settings
A new tab has been added to the Portfolio Admin screen.
Portfolio > Admin > Fund Settings.
This tab allows you to:
Make sure all the Assets' conditions have been updated ready for reports to be compiled.
Review currency conversions.
Set custom cashflow movements.
Set the order and fields needed to update the condition of an asset.
Improvements to view on My Space
Changes to the order tabs appear to make content displayed on home page more relevant.
Additional Patch Released 10/03/2021
My Space
Include Company Name on the Actions / Initiatives need updating view:
Portfolio users will only be able to see the My Portfolio tab.
Improvements to Date / Time Settings.
The Time zone will be taken from your Browser settings.
Fund Settings
Further improvements to Condition Reports Tracker, such as being able to send reminder emails:
BI Reporting
KPI Approval Status and Asset Condition information now available to use in BI reports.
Bug fixes and minor changes to look and feel also included.