1. Actions
- Actions that are not closed at the end of a financial cycle are automatically passed to the new period when the cycle starts.
- Actions have a "Move To" option so they can be moved between financial cycles from the Kanban board:
- Actions will now show weighting % for Checklist items:
2. Initiatives
- New column available in the Value Creation Plan (VCP) to show "Total Execution Status" (for Initiatives). This shows the progress of an Initiative that has Actions in more than one period.
- Ability to create Initiatives when viewing an Objective / Initiative:
3. Company Report Widgets
- Actions Widget
Filter option to filter by Initiative / Objective - Search filter values are now sorted alphabetically and the search field works correctly
- Tabular View widget - fix to the data displayed for the exported version (when grouped by Objectives)
- Execution Status Widget - Option to configure the drill down to show Initiatives, another Dashboard or go to URL
4. Other items addressed in this release:
- Option added to choose Company Administrators:
Company Administrators can update the progress for Actions etc, without being the owner. - Fix messages displaying the character - ┬
- Fix to how system handles removing users from a Company
- Fixed Portfolio logo upload
- Delete Company button moved, so a company can only be deleted by Portfolio Administrators