When you are linked to an Initiative, this will show on My Space > Overview > My Initiatives tab.
The left hand side will show where you are listed as the owner.
An owner is responsible for updating the condition and over-seeing the progress of the Actions linked to this Initiative.
The right hand side will show where you are listed as a follower.
This will be from following the Initiative for updates in your Messages or when you are assigned to work on a Supporting Initiative or Action.
You can filter the list of objectives using the funnel icon.
To the left of the funnel icon you can sort the list by alphabetical order.
For each Initiative shown:
On the top left you will see the Initiative Name - Clicking on this will take you to the Initiative Details.
The Details screen will allow you to add or view Supporting Initiatives, Actions, Risks or Issues.
The initials or avatar of the owner will be shown on the left.
Below the Initiative Name you will see the Total Investment amount listed against the Actions.
On the bottom left you will see the current Expected End Date
*This is the day after the last Action is expected to finish
The speech bubble icon is for Comments
The paperclip iconis for Documents
Click on an icon to show more.
On the right hand side, the S Curve shows you the Execution Status (Progress) of your Initiatives based on the Actions for the current Financial Year.
(to see a detailed breakdown click on the Initiative Name and click on Execution Status).
Next to the S curve is the Condition.
The condition is a traffic light colour indicator of how you feel things are going.
If you click on this icon to view the history or update the Condition:
Clicking on the orange "Update Condition" button will give you a drop down selection and then ask you to add a comment:
*Remember My Space has the "Initiatives need updating" box to remind you if an initiative needs the Condition and comments updated.
Click on the 3 spots ... shown on the bottom right of an Initiative to see more options:
Edit Initiative |
Allows you to edit the name, owner or description.![]() At the bottom you have the option to "Turn into an Objective" - which would be used if KPI targets are going to be used to measure success. The "Go to Initiative" button is covered below: |
Go to Initiative details |
Takes you to Company > Initiatives > Initiative Details Screen![]() |