The Company > Dashboard will show users a collection of widgets, to show snapshots of useful information.
On the top right you have the option to select a financial year (the current FY will be shown as the default).
You can also see the orange Configuration button with the cog icon.
This shows you a list of all available widgets, along with a description.
You will have the option to set a threshold (if applicable).
Under the Show Column, you can tick or untick to show / hide widgets and click Save.
Remember when making any changes to the Dashboard this affects all users with access to this menu.
If the widget displays a number (in grey or red), you can click to display more details in a pop up window.
If a widget displays a cog icon on the top right, this means there is a threshold.
The wording in the widget will explain what this relates to:
e.g. no updates in last 30 days, or progress is more than 60%.
If you use the X on the top right of a widget, this will remove the widget from the Dashboard.
This can be added back in at any time using the orange Configuration button.